
经济学院孙浦阳教授论文在《american journal of agriculture economics》发表

近日,经济学院教授孙浦阳合作论文《the impacts of tropical storms on food prices: evidence from china》在《american journal of agriculture economics》2022年九月刊正式发表。


climate change is a major source of external shocks to the economy. in this article, we estimate the short-term impacts of tropical storms on food prices. after matching the track records of tropical storms with retail prices of food products during 1998 and 2012 in china, we find that tropical storms lead to food prices increasing by 2.3%, and the effect lasts more than one month. the positive impacts on prices mainly concentrate on fresh vegetable products. one main channel of price increases caused by tropical storms is the supply-side shock to the transportation and distribution system. we find limited evidence of price increases driven by demand-side shocks such as food displacement and food composition changes. the impacts of tropical storms on food price increases lead to a total loss amounting to $92 million each year on average. this study contributes to literature evaluating the price impacts caused by tropical storms and provides policy implications on enhancing food supply resilience.



中国人民大学经济学院世界经济教研室教授、博士生导师。经济学博士, 毕业于英国伯明翰大学,英国诺丁汉大学。研究主要围绕国际经济与区域、发展经济等问题,近年研究 “服务与数字贸易” “供应链与市场价格” “服务投资与网络”等具体问题。教育部青年长江学者、张培刚发展经济学青年学者奖、霍英东教师基金奖励、安子介国际贸易优秀论文、天津青年拔尖人才奖励和社科优秀成果奖等。科研成果发表在国内外顶级权威期刊,主持社科和教育部重大等项目。教学国际经济学、世界经济等课程,教学获得天津市教学基本功大赛三等奖等。
