

  9月17日中午,由经济学院能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(energy economics seminar)第三十一期会议在经济学院明德主楼729会议室举行。来自日本全球环境战略研究所关东研究中心(kansai research centre of institute for global environmental strategies)的xianbing liu博士进行了题为“empirical analyses of economic climate policies”的学术报告。
  在报告中,xianbing liu博士首先介绍了他所在的全球环境战略研究所的大致情况,以及近期在东北亚地区开展的“基于市场手段的改善企业碳排放绩效的政策工具”项目(market-based instruments for improving company’s carbon performance in northeast asia),并分析了中日韩三国目前碳税政策的进步和前景,及推行可能遇到的障碍。此后重点介绍了三个在中国开展的微观调查及研究:中国工业企业目前的节能措施、对于市场手段政策工具(market-based instruments,mbis)的推广现状和企业认可度,以及企业对mbis设计的偏好。

  dr. xianbing liu is currently a senior policy researcher and task manager at kansai research centre of institute for global environmental strategies (krc/iges). he has worked for iges over six years (since july of 2007). using two years and a half (october 2004 to march 2007), he got a ph.d. from okayama university of japan. before coming to japan, dr. liu served the department of science, technology and standards of state environmental protection administration (sepa, now the ministry of environmental protection) for around seven years. his research interests focus on the analyses of environmental, energy and climate policies from the micro-business perspective. he has fruitful publications in international academic journals, like ‘energy policy’, ‘energy economics’, ‘applied energy’, ‘energy for sustainable development’, ‘journal of environmental management’ and ‘journal of cleaner production’, etc. he is invited as anonymous reviewer frequently by the journals as mentioned above.

