

  12月10日中午,由中国人民大学经济学院能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(energy economics seminar)第十九期会议在经济学院明德主楼729会议室举行。来自西南财经大学的david broadstock教授进行了题为modeling the demand for energy using aggregate data – empirical evidence from the oecd-17的报告。


  本期研讨会由经济学院能源经济系魏楚副教授主持,经济学院杨瑞龙院长、王晋斌副院长、赵国庆教授、刘凤良教授、雷达教授、郑新业教授、金乐琴副教授、韩松副教授、虞义华副教授、秦萍副教授,经济学院青年教师王劲峰博士、peter kelly博士、江艇博士、李三希博士、陈朴博士、陈占明博士、王一妮博士,北京大学陈晓红博士以及多名研究生参加了此次研讨会,并针对报告内容进行了深入的交流。


  主讲人简介:david broadstock is an associate professor of economics at the research institute of economics and management (riem) at the southwestern university of finance and economics in sichuan, china. david`s main research interests relate to aspects of energy consumption, particularly for transport purposes and he has published in journals including transport research part a, energy economics and energy policy and applied economics letters. prior to becoming a lecturer, david worked as a consultant in industry, providing advice on transport and energy related projects all over the world, and has also contributed to important large-scale research projects including the uk energy research centre project on the rebound effect and the research project on lifestyles values and the environment (resolve).

