9月23日中午,由经济学院能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(energy economics seminar)第七十四期会议在经济学院明德主楼734会议室举行。来自麻省理工学院博士候选人michael davidson进行了题为“modelling the potential for wind energy integration on china’s coal-heavy electricity grid”的学术报告。
主讲人简介:michael davidson (戴蔚森) is a ph.d. candidate in engineering systems at the massachusetts institute of technology. his research involves modeling large-scale penetrations of wind energy, and examining the impacts of china’s power sector reform on renewable energy utilization through extensive in-country fieldwork. prior to mit, he was with the natural resources defense council (nrdc) in washington, dc, and in 2008-9 was a fulbright fellow to tsinghua university, beijing. he holds degrees in physics and japanese studies from case western reserve university.