主题:"environmental policy、green innovation and sustainable economic growth"。
主讲人:大住 圭介
时间:2009-3-6 上午 9:30
地点:明主 0734
主讲人简介: 现任日本九州大学经济学部教授、经济研究院副院长。 主要研究领域:多部门动态经济体系的数理分析,内生性增长理论、环境和经济增长、制度和经济增长等领域。
abstract: this paper considers a world economy consisting of the north and the south to focusing on the role of unilateral climate policy, directed technical change, and spillover in examining cross country differences in pollution and economic growth. our paper also discusses the effect of international cooperation and domestic environmental policy on reduction of global emissions and welfare improvement or increase in gross production. we show that, under the directed technical change (technology in the energy-saving and energy-using sectors is allowed to develop differently), even though two countries could access to the same technologies, differences in climate policy where only the north faces a binding emission constraint, resulted in difference in factor distribution, industrial structure, and gross production between the north and the south. also, we suggest that enforcement of a appropriate international cooperation and domestic policy will reduce the emission in the south and the emissions in global, increase the welfare or output, as well as there is no decline in economic growth rate.