

【时   间】2019年11月15日(周五)12:00—13:30
【地   点】中国人民大学明德主楼623会议室
【主   题】a gift with thoughtfulness: a field experiment on work incentives
【主讲人】刘潇, 清华大学经济管理学院经济系副教授

【摘要】we conduct a field experiment to investigate whether and how different forms of monetary gifts influence workers' performance in the workplace. undergraduate students are hired for a temporary research assistant job at a chinese university. at the end of the pre-announced task, they are surprised with a monetary gift and decide whether to help with some additional work under a less appealing pay scheme. we find that a more thoughtful presentation of the gift cash enclosed in a red envelope, in general, outperforms cash only by increasing workers' overall performance and willingness to help and to trade off a high quality of work for quantity. workers are more likely to perceive the thoughtful gift as the employer's appreciation, which counteracts the negative income effect due to reference dependence.

【主讲人简介】刘潇,清华经管学院经济系副教授。于2006年获得中国人民大学学士学位,2012年获得密歇根大学博士学位。主要研究兴趣包括:实验和行为经济学,市场设计和博弈论,论文发表在management science, games and economic behavior,experimental economics, international journal of game theory等杂志。荣获密歇根大学barbour fellowship, rackham dissertation fellowship, 清华大学经管学院2014科研工作优秀奖,2014先进工作者。目前担任journal of behavioral and experimental economics编委。

