
芝加哥大学布斯商学院george wu教授学术报告

      讲座嘉宾:芝加哥大学布斯商学院george wu教授          主持嘉宾:中国人民大学经济学院王湘红教授          讲座题目:beyond the status quo: understanding the role of alternative reference points          讲座时间:2018年6月6日(星期三)上午10:30          讲座地点:明德主楼623会议室          
         嘉宾介绍:              george wu是芝加哥大学布斯商学院的john p.和lillian a. gould行为科学教授。在1997年加入该系之前,george wu在哈佛商学院的六年任教时间里,先后担任管理经济学和谈判与决策制定领域的助教、副教授。他的学位包括哈佛大学学士(应用数学,1985)、硕士(应用数学,1987)和博士学位(决策科学,1991)。              在芝加哥大学,george wu讲授的课程包括管理决策制定、谈判策略及过程、高级谈判。他的研究兴趣包括决策分析、个体和管理决策制定心理、目标设定和动机,以及还价和谈判中的认知偏差。他还是判断和决策协会2011-2012年度的会长。他现任management science副主编(decision analysis领域),journal of risk and uncertainty顾问编辑,并且担任behavioral science and policy, decision analysis, management science, and theory and decision等杂志的编委会委员,曾任management science领域主编。他的研究成果发表在许多知名期刊,包括cognitive psychology, journal of personality and social psychology, journal of risk and uncertainty, management science, marketing letters, medical decision making, organizational behavior and human decision processes, psychological science, quarterly journal of economics, and theory and decision。          
         讲座内容介绍:              theories of reference-dependent preferences, such as prospect theory, imply that outcomes that are just below or just above a reference point are evaluated differently. in a large-scale field study of marathon runners, we test whether goals act as reference points in shaping the valuation of outcomes. consistent with the prospect theory value function, we find that satisfaction as a function of relative performance (the difference between a runner’s finishing time goal and her actual finishing time) exhibits loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity in both predictions of and actual experienced satisfaction. however, in contrast to prospect theory, we observe that loss aversion is partially driven by a discontinuity or jump at the reference point. in addition, we find that a runner’s time goal as well as their previous marathon times simultaneously impact runner satisfaction, providing support for the impact of multiple reference points on satisfaction.          
         联系人:吕媛媛 62511058      
