
[能源经济学研讨会]modeling the demand for energy using aggregate data – empirical evidence from the oecd-17



时间:1210日,星期一, 12:00—13:30


演讲人david broadstock(西南财经大学副教授)


modeling the demand for energy using aggregate data – empirical evidence from the oecd-17


estimates of aggregate price and income elasticities of energy consumption are often used to support policy design. a noted shortcoming in some previous studies is the lack of heterogeneity being controlled for in the models. using oecd data, a nonparametric model of demand is specified which allows substantially greater heterogeneity to be described. the analysis, among other things, finds a clear separation of countries that is heavily linked to the energy intensity of an economy. with respect to policy design, this may provide useful insights into the convergence of energy policy and how (as well

as which) different groups of countries might be able to share common policy frameworks and goals.


david broadstock is an associate professor of economics at the research institute of economics and management (riem) at the southwestern university of finance and economics in sichuan,

china. david`s main research interests relate to aspects of energy consumption, particularly for transport purposes and he has published in journals including transport research part a, energy economics and energy policy and applied economics letters. prior to becoming a lecturer, david worked as a consultant in industry, providing advice on transport and energy related projects all over the world, and has also contributed to

important large-scale research projects including the uk energy research centre project on the rebound effect and the research project on lifestyles values and the environment (resolve).

中国人民大学 经济学院能源经济系
