


[讲座题目] 户籍制度改革与中国对外贸易发展

[主讲人] 赵来勋(日本神户大学经济与经营研究所 教授)

[主讲人简介] laixun (lex) zhao is professor at the research institute of economics & business, kobe university. his main research fields are international economics and the chinese economy. he has published papers in top economic journals such as european economic review, journal of international economics, journal of labor economics, journal of industrial economics, journal of urban economics, journal of environmental economics & management, journal of economic dynamics & control, canadian journal of economics, and journal of economic behavior & organization. he graduated from renmin university with a college degree and received his phd from the university of florida. he is the managing editor of the japanese accounting review, a board member of the japan society of international economics, a board member of asian-pacific trade seminars, and currently serves on the program committee of the japanese economic association annual meetings.

[内容概要] the hukou (household registration) system originated in ancient china and influenced neighboring countries such as japan, south korea and vietnam. in this paper, we construct a simple model for the transition of hukou, from the mao era when it was strictly enforced to the reform era (deng xiaoping era) when peasants were allowed to migrate to cities for work only.  the model can explain two key features of hukou: the urban-rural divide and the urban-urban divide. we show that reform recovers some of the deadweight losses from mao’s strict hukou control, but the gains from reform are unevenly distributed. using the basic model, we illustrate two factors that contribute to china’s trade boom and export pattern reversal, namely, the rural-urban migration caused by the institutional reform in the labor market and the demographic dividend china has been enjoying for the past 40 years. we also apply the model to examine the impacts of various policies such as special economic zones, export-tax refund, urbanization, etc., which should provide directions for empirical and quantitative research.

[主持人] 刘守英(中国人民大学经济学院 党委书记兼院长)

[讲座时间] 2019年07月11日(周四) 上午 9:30-11:30

[讲座地点] 中国人民大学 明德主楼734会议室

[讲座简介] 中国是战后少有的几个取得巨大成功的发展中国家,四十年的改革发展造就了中国奇迹,对发展经济学和一般经济理论的发展提供了重要经验。对中国的发展和转型进行研究,将改革的重要经验进行提炼和总结,并上升为一般理论,是经济学人的使命和责任。为此,中国人民大学经济学院刘守英教授提议,由中国人民大学经济学院主办、由《财经》杂志支持,邀请国内外既懂经济政策、又有学术造诣的经济学家开展“发展理论与中国实践”系列讲座。
