
[组织经济学seminar]uniform pricing or discriminatory pricing: the strategic choice of spatial oligopoly

         组织经济学seminar          总第101期      
      组织经济学(organizational economics)seminar由中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心(cfos)主办。          时间:11月2日(周五)中午12:00-13:30          地点:人大明德主楼734教室          主讲:董烨然(首都经济贸易大学经济学院教授)          主持:刘小鲁(中国人民大学经济学院副教授)          主题:uniform pricing or discriminatory pricing: the strategic choice of spatial oligopoly.          
         摘要:the paper examines the equilibrium of the strategies of “uniform fob pricing”, “discriminatory fob pricing”, “uniform delivered pricing” and “discriminatory delivered pricing” between spatial duopolistic firms with linear demand. in equilibrium, there is no difference between the choice of “discriminatory delivered price” and “discriminatory fob price” for firms; the level of differentiation between firms determines the pricing strategies. when the level of differentiation is moderate, “uniform delivered pricing” is a “prisoner`s dilemma”; the necessary condition for “discriminatory delivered pricing” or “discriminatory fob pricing” in the equilibrium is that the level of differentiation between both firms is high enough, that is, both firms must have a certain number of loyal consumers. from the perspective of social welfare, if the degree of differentiation between both firms is high, when “explicit discriminatory pricing” (discriminatory fob price or discriminatory delivered price) is prohibited, both firms will choose “implicit discriminatory pricing” (the uniform delivered pricing). in this case, the social welfare is lower than when the firms allow explicit discriminatory pricing.          
         主讲者简介:董烨然,首都经济贸易大学经济学院教授。毕业于中国人民大学,获产业经济学博士学位,先后完成在北京大学光华管理学院的产业经济学博士后研究和vanderbilt university经济学系的访问学者研究。研究领域为:微观经济理论、产业组织理论、合约理论、信息理论。近年来,在《管理世界》、《财贸经济》、《经济学动态》等权威期刊发表多篇学术论文,主持国家社科基金课题和各类研究课题多项。          
      中国人民大学经济学院          人大企业与组织研究中心          人大微观数据与实证方法研究中心          2018年10月24日      
