
[劳动经济学研讨会]social disadvantage and child health among china’s rural-urban migrant households

         劳动经济学研讨会          (总第47期)      
      【时间】2017年10月25日(周三)12:00-13:30          【地点】明德主楼734会议室          【主题】social disadvantage and child health among china’s rural-urban migrant households          【主讲】carl lin (林树明,assistant professor of economics)          【abstract】this study uses migrant household survey data from 2008 and 2009 to examine how social disadvantage among rural-urban migrant households is associated with the nutritional status of children. the measures of social disadvantage are based on china’s hukou system of household registration – designed to limit domestic migration flows by denying public services in cities to migrants with rural registrations –and on gender bias that may harm women and girls. results from fixed-effects regressions indicate that the hukou system has a negative association with children’s weight-for-age z-scores, even after controlling for household characteristics. tests for gender-based disadvantage indicate that children in female-headed households do not experience a nutritional penalty relative to children in households headed by men, while girls do exhibit poorer nutritional status compared to boys. additional results from a standard oaxaca decomposition, a quantile decomposition based on recentered influence function (rif) regressions, and a counterfactual distribution analysis all confirm that children who are left behind in rural villages – usually because of the oppressive hukou system – have poorer nutritional status than children who migrate with their parents, and the gaps are biggest at lower portions of the distribution.                     主讲人简介:carl lin is an assistant professor of economics at bucknell university (usa), an iza research fellow (germany), and a consultant at the work bank. his research is in the areas of labor economics and applied econometrics in which he focuses on minimum wages, immigration, inequality, poverty, and rural-urban migrants in china. he has published in review of international economics, review of development economics, economics letters, singapore economic review, research in labor economics, iza journal of labor policy, and china economic review.      
