

主 办 单 位: 日本京都大学经济学部
会 议 地 点: 日本京都市京都大学
会 议 时 间: 2007年9月17-22日
论文征集对象: 中国人民大学经济学院在读博士生
论 文 内 容:关于东亚国家在经济、贸易、金融、环境、经济政策、公共管
联 系 人:
王 丹:62511272
程 华:13691070823


附件一 9月京都会议概要
govenance problems of the east asian economies
international conference and young scholars workshop

we organize an international conference on governance problems of the east asian economies and an affiliated young scholars workshop in kyoto. the conference is held on september 18-19, 2007 and the workshop is held successively on september 20-21, 2007, both in the centennial hall of the kyoto university. the aim of the conference is to examin economic problems in east asian nations whose interdependency has become tighter than ever under the aspect of `governance`. (see the reference paper that is prepared by a member of organizing committee!) by inviting prominent scholars in and out of this area. in the affiliated workshop we would encourage the fresh research of young scholars in east asia on the same topic.
the organizing committee is under the coe21 program of kyoto university, interface of advanced economic analysis. in accordance with the general aim of this program we would integrate various directions of research (spatial and regional economics, finance and currency, public and social policy, environment conservation, corporate governance, and international trade etc.) in the study of the economic governance in the east asian economies. thus, in this conference and workshop, the region east asia is the interface of various directions of advanced economic analysis. particularly we are interested in the theoretical development in the analysis of institution and organization that facilitates the analysis of economic problems in east asia.
speakers of the conference are requested to submitt the title together with ca 500 words summary before the end of june, and the full paper before the end of august to the coe-secretary ( we would like to edit and publish revised papers from an academic publisher or in the special issue of the kyoto economic review.
both in conference as well as in workshop, english is used as the standard language. discussed papers at the workshop have the possibility to list in the series of the caea discussion paper, kyoto university, after supervision. excellent papers may be published in the planned book or special issue of the kyoto economic review.
we welcome your active participation in the conference and/or workshop.

organizing committee: prof. masahiro shimotani and prof. kiichiro yagi
contact: office of advanced economic analysis
graduate school of economics, kyoto university
kyoto, 606-8501 japan

附件二 9月京都会议日程
coe21 interface of advanced economic analysis
(preliminary programm, april 20, 2007)

govenance problems of the east asian economies
-as an interface of advanced economic analysis-
september 18-19, 2007
university centennial hall of the kyoto university

september 17 (mon.) evening 19:00-20:30
september 18 (tues.)
9: 30 welcoming address
prof. kimio morimune (dean of the graduate school of economics,
kyoto university)
     prof. shuzo nishimura (vice-president, kyoto university)
9: 45 opening remark
prof. masahiro simotani (kyoto university)

10:00 – 11 :00 guest talk : prof. haruhiko kuroda (president, adb) (not fixed)

session 1 11:15 -13:00
regional aspect of asian integration
prof. masahisa fujita (institut of developing economies)
prof. werner pascha (duisburg-essen university)
prof. xx (shanghai center)

session 2 14:30-16 :00
    monetary and financial cooperations
prof. woosik moon (seoul national univ.)
prof. tetsuji murase (kyoto university)
disc. : prof. kazuo yoshida (kyoto univ.)
session 3 16 :15- 17 :45
  governance in trade and investment
  prof. hiroyuki uni (kyoto university)
  prof. xx (shangai center)
a chinese or korean scholar
(19 :00-21 :00 dinner for invited guests)

september 19 (weds.)
session 4 9:30-11 :00
societal and environmental sustainability
prof. kazuhiro ueta or prof. toru morotomi (kyoto university)
a chinese or korean scholar

session 5 11 :15 – 12 :45
governance in business and industries
prof. masahiro simotani
prof. hiromi shioji
chinese scholar
korean scholar

< lunch green tee>

sesion 15 :00-17 :45
concluding session : governance in institutional transformation
prof. kiichiro yagi (kyoto university)
prof. sheng hon (unirule institute, beijing)

closing remark
prof. kiichiro yagi

speakers are requested to submitt the title together with ca 500 words summary before the end of june, and the full paper before the end of august to the coe-secretary ( we would like to edit and publish revised papers from an academic publisher or in the special issue of the kyoto economic review.

organizing committee: prof. masahiro shimotani and prof. kiichiro yagi
contact: office of advanced economic analysis
graduate school of economics, kyoto university
kyoto, 606-8501 japan

kyoto workshop of east asian young scholars
(post-conference workshop)
september 20-21, 2007, kyoto university, meeting room, centennial hall

young scholars in : fudan university (shanghai, china),
renmin university (beijing, shanghai)
seoul national university (seoul, korea)
kyoto university
september 20 (thurs.)
general guidance: kiichiro yagi

9:30 – 12:00 session 1 historical persprctive of present east asia
chair : prof. simotani (kyoto)

13:30 – 16:00 session 2 theoretical issues toward a new perspective
chair : korean prof. from snu (seoul)

16:15 – 18:45 session 3 finance, business, and industry
chair : chinese prof. from renmin univ. (beijing)

september 21 (friday)

9:30 – 12:00 session 4 international and regional policy
chair: chinese prof. from fudan univ. (beijing)

13:30 – 16:00 session 5 societal and environmental sustainability
chair : prof. ueta or prof. morotomi

16:15 – 18:00 session 6 general discussion
chair : prof. yoshida or yagi

[conference language is english. discussed papers will be on the series of the caea discussion paper, kyoto university, after supervision. excellent papers may be published in the planned book or special issue of the kyoto economic review.]


