
经济学院崔志伟副教授论文在games and economic behavior上正式发表
   近日,经济学院崔志伟副教授论文“从众效应与受限网络形成” (bandwagon effects and constrained network formation)在《博弈论与经济行为(games and economic behavior)》上正式发表。    

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we consider a model where players can actively form a limited number of links with other players to play a general class of size-dependent coordination games. this class of games includes multi-person binary action coordination games, minimum effort games, average opinion games, and others, and it is mainly characterized by strategic complementarities among actions. whenever players may only support links to a relatively small number of other players, the most efficient convention will be selected, irrespective of the details of the size-dependent coordination games. when the linking constraint becomes less restrictive, the most efficient convention will still be selected, provided that the most efficient action delivers a relatively high output when played against a small group also using it. furthermore, for the special case of size-dependent minimum effort games, the second most efficient convention may be selected.



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崔志伟,中国人民大学经济学院副教授,曾在埃塞克斯大学经济系(department of economics, the university of essex)进行访问研究。研究兴趣为网络博弈理论及应用、博弈学习理论及应用、行为经济学理论、微观经济理论。主持完成/在研国家自然科学基金项目三项,在journal of economic theory、games and economic behavior、journal of economic behavior and organization、journal of economic dynamics and control、journal of mathematical economics等国际主流经济学期刊发表论文十余篇。相关研究成果被david levine(econometrica前联合主编、专著《the theory of learning in games》共同作者)、carlos alós-ferrer(journal of economic psychology 联合主编)、william h. (bill) sandholm(jet、te、geb前副主编、专著《population games and evolutionary dynamics》作者)等所引用或跟踪拓展
