1.can specialization be optimal when tasks are complementary?
games and economic behavior,2020-01-01
bao renjie | bao renjie,
li sanxi, yu jun
2.cities without slums? china
liu shouying | liu shouying,
yue zhang
3.mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: evidence from the "under the dome"
journal of development economics,2020-03-01
tu meng | tu meng, zhang bing,
xu jianhua, lu fangwen
4.identification and estimation of panel data models with group structures
journal of econometrics,2020-04-01
ruiqi liu | ruiqi liu,
zuofeng shang, zhang yonghui,
zhou qiankun
5.rethinking china's local government debts in the frame of modern money theory
journal of post keynesian economics,2020-04-02
he zengping | he zengping,
jia genliang
6.can trade openness affect the monetary transmission mechanism?
review of international economics,2020-04-08
zhang wen | zhang wen
7.political incentives and local government spending multiplier: evidence for chinese provinces (1978-2016)
economic modelling,2020-05-01
zhang wen | zhang wen
8.firm's outward foreign direct investment and efficiency loss of factor price distortion: evidence from chinese firms
international review of economics & finance,2020-05-01
cheng hua | cheng hua,
wang ziqi, peng dan, kong qunxi
9.non-exclusive dealing with retailer differentiation and market penetration
international journal of industrial organization,2020-05-01
li shengyu | li shengyu,
li shengyu, luo rong
10.risk preference of the investors and the risk of peer-to-peer lending platform
emerging markets finance and trade,2020-05-27
cheng hua | cheng hua, guo rui
11.cultural heterogeneity, social policy, and economic growth in china
china economic review,2020-06-02
liu kai | liu kai, yang jidong
12.deviance information criterion for latent variable models and misspecified models
journal of econometrics,2020-06-06
li yong | li yong,yu jun, xeng tao
13.the impact of us monetary policy on chinese enterprises' r&d investment
finance research letters,2020-07-01
zhang dongyang | zhangdongyang, guo yumei, wang zhaorui,
chen yanbin
14.an institutional analysis of china's reform of their monetary policy framework
journal of economic issues,2020-07-02
he zengping | he zengping,
jia genliang
15.a time-varying diffusion index forecasting model
economics letters,2020-08-10
wei jie | wei jie, zhang yonghui
16.promoting considerate parking behavior in dockless bike-sharing: an experimental study
transportation research part a: policy and practice,2020-09-01
su duan | su duan,
wang xianghong
17.state-owned enterprises in china’s economic transformation: institutional functionality and credibility in alternative perspectives
journal of economic issues,2020-09-03
lu di | lu di
18.inequality of opportunity and household risky asset investment:evidence from panel data in china
china economic review,2020-10-03
song yang | song yang,
wu weixing, zhou guangsu
19.normal utilization rate in the sraffa framework
huang biao | huang biao
20.public health insurance and pharmaceutical innovation: evidence from china
journal of development economics,2020-10-12
xuan zhang | xuan zhang,
nie huihua
21.informing and inquiring: experimental evidence on reducing traffic violations
journal of development economics,2020-11-01
zhang jinan | zhang jinan,
perloff, jeffrey, lu fangwen
刘伟 | 刘伟,张立元
王晋斌 | 王晋斌,刘璐,邹静娴
邱海平| 邱海平
杨其静 | 杨其静,刘小鲁,李三希
李军林 | 李军林,胡树光,王瑛龙
刘守英 | 刘守英,王志锋,张维凡,熊雪锋
聂辉华 | 聂辉华,阮睿,沈吉
刘小鲁 | 刘小鲁,鲍仁杰
孙咏梅 | 孙咏梅
沈煜| 沈煜,孙文凯(通讯作者)
张杰 | 张杰,陈志远,吴书凤,孙文浩
刘伟 | 刘伟
方福前 | 方福前
王孝松 | 王孝松,林发勤,李玏
杨继东 | 杨继东,杨其静
16. 制造业企业扩大金融活动能够提升利润率吗?——以中国a股上市制造业企业为例
《管理世界》, 2020-12-05
谢富胜 | 谢富胜,匡晓璐