
  • 办公室:
  • 职称/职务:副教授
  • 办公电话:
  • 所属教研室:国际经济系-世界经济教研室
  • 电子邮箱
  • 研究领域:宏观金融学 宏观经济学 发展经济学 应用计量经济学




2020 波士顿学院经济系 经济学 博士
2014 北京大学光华管理学院 应用经济学 硕士
2012 兰州大学经济学院 金融学 学士


1. hu, y., and b. g. li, “the production economics of the economics production”, journal of economics & management strategy, forthcoming (
2. 胡羽珊、王亚华:《年龄—收入模式对中国居民消费率的影响》,《经济理论与经济管理》2014年第10期,人大复印资料全文转载。


1. “cash flow forecasting: dealing with serial correlation and idiosyncratic heterogeneity”, with hongtao guo and zhijie xiao, revised and resubmitted at journal of risk and financial management.
2. “measuring china’s core inflation for forecasting purposes: taking persistence as weight”, with zhiyong fan and penglong zhang, revised and resubmitted at empirical economics.
3. “can internet access increase agricultural labor productivity? micro evidence from china”,
with yahua wang and penglong zhang, under review.
4. “international exposure and the transmission of financial shocks: evidence from china”.
5. “financial corruption and bank loan allocation: evidence from china”.
6. “health, housing and portfolio of the elderly in china”, with penglong zhang and guozhong zhu.
7. “forecasting cash flow via machine learning”, with hongtao guo and zhijie xiao.
8. “light dispels (some) darkness: gdp and corruption in china”, with leonardo baccini and ben li.
9. 《社会保障对农村集体行动的影响、机制与含义》,与张鹏龙、王亚华合作,已投。


eurasian economic review


financial management association annual meeting (new orleans, 2019)
bu/bc green line macro meeting (boston university, 2019)
american accounting association northeast regional meeting (new york, 2019)
china meeting of the econometric society (guangzhou, 2019)
southern economic association annual meeting (washington, d.c., 2018)
eastern economic association annual meeting (boston, 2018)


本科(波士顿学院):macroeconomic principles (econ1132.04, econ1132.05)